Prophet Muhammad and Strength Based Leadership

Iqbal Muhammad
6 min readMay 20, 2021



I just completed a single overarching bibliography (sirrah) of Prophet Muhammad written by Dr. Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmad. I claimed this is going to be the most profoundly an achieved and comprehensive bibliography of prophet Muhammad that I have read in entire of my life. This is also what I coerce people to read as well.

Reading this bibliography you will look intimately of our most beloved prophet’s journey of his lives, and on how Allah has designated him to be a supreme leader of this religion-a religion that we commonly put on ease, a religion we just never put on effort to think on how we could spread of Allah messages to others. The religion that we are often overlooked as a backburner not as the priority. A religion that we most often ignore when this religion demeaned and violated by others. Yes, it is our religion that we oftentimes disregard about it. As though this accountability merely ordained to prophet Muhammad, but the fact that this is going to be an endless responsibility to all Muslim. You! Yes you and me, and whosoever claim they are a Muslim, need to perpetuate the da’wah of prophet Muhammad.

Reading a prophet’s bibliography is not only conferring us a thoroughly message on how his prophethood lives, but we also have to appreciate this religion is achieved through sacrifice, gut- wrenching pain with a deadly mortal wars. Then, you will be put in a speechlessness on how Allah choose one of His slaves to disseminate of His Devine messages with a bulky ordeal- losing parents in childhood, scorned and ridiculed unceasingly, hurt and forcefully expelled by his own people, thrown up in a dirt, insulted constantly, battle in lethal wars.

This religion has never been easy in application because it has never been easier to achieve. That is why the uppermost ultimate reward is paradise for those who commit and sacrifice for it. Therefore, prophet Muhammad had accepted this mission in order to deliver a divinely massage to all humanity in an intense of suffering with a mentally and physically of 23 years of wars. He had to bury on his ego, what he does fully for the sake of human beings. This eventually makes us to have put more honor and appreciative of his endeavor for the most impossible mission to complete by human being. Also, this appreciation has been lasted by Allah by honoring prophet to give a salutation in our daily praying. And the top of that, Allah himself also salutes him.

Throughout his live journey, what make it more emotional that Allah had let prophet Muhammad’s heart to deeply experience of his emotional state. The feeling of hurt, betrayal of his people, insulted, hopeless, powerless. All those feelings occurred indicating that Prophet Muhammad is just an ordinary human being that had been secretly chosen by Allah to preach Devine scriptures to all human beings.

It doesn’t end there, I am immensely surprised as its first nascent appointed as a prophet, he had to qualifiedly anticipate a mentally, physically, emotionally and even psychology stance to encounter his unyielding strong people. Surprisingly, Prophet Muhammad patiently and softly behaved to respond toward his wayward people in spite of their grudgingly refute. The struggling of prophet Muhammad of 13 years in Mecca was real and strenuous. Then, later Allah ordain prophet Muhammad to emigrate to Medina where the fight in the battle war was eventually approved.

Prophet Muhammad Strength Based Leadership

When wars have been legalized by Allah, the leadership of prophet was truly tested. Therefore, prophet Muhammad skillfully harness of his leadership tactics to assemble a Muslim community in Madinah even stronger than before in order to fight the non-believers (Jewish and Christian) people who are extremely detestable of Muslim upsurge that had been thriving expansively all over places. Apart from that, military expansion was added strategies to outstretch more people to accept of divine message and involuntary convert to Islam. Moreover, Rasulullah had took a bold bet plan-courageous decisions and actions to be in a spearhead of this noble and formidable mission.

What a staggering in regards prophet leadership is he undeniably can see how each of individual has strength in certain prowess and knowledge. He shrewdly utilized the strategy to entrust his chosen companions in certain missions whether that is to lead group for military expansions or to lead in the battle of wars. He governed the team with a growth and positive reciprocity where people are valued by his virtuosity and trust.

As the highest commander, he is not overbearing over his power, he kept listening to his companion sentiments. In most cases, he roundly agreed toward what his companions had said as long as it was not conflicting with Allah’s messages. He listened and assented toward Salman Al Farisi’s ideas to dig up the trench as one of his strategy in Trench war to fight and deceive the opponents. He knew that Salman Al Farisi was an astute of war tactics that could increment the possibility of Muslim army to gain victory. By the same token, Prophet Muhammad had believed that one his companion — Zaid bin Haritsah has a power to reign over as well, and then he was eventually appointed to suppress or subjugate in Jammum, Ish, Tharif, Judzam, Wadil Qura, and for Bani Fazarah.

As a unequivocal trailblazer, prophet Muhammad competently observed who that can be delegated to certain mission. Ali bin Abi Thalib was one his choices. He converted to Islam in very young ages. As a son in law as well, Ali always propped up to prophet Muhammad to the mission. He was gallant, transparent and honest. His strength in leading can be seen in battle of Badar and Uhud where he stood as a vanguard to fight the rebel opponents. In the battle of Khaibar, Ali bin Abi Thalib was assigned to lead the assault/attack the Naim fortress, and he nailed it.

Throughout of his leadership styles, strength based leadership is stellar. He successfully acknowledge the team with their strength and their skill. This is called a strength based leadership. Strength based leadership is a leadership by acknowledging the strength of others to support the mission. As a leader, he valued the diversified of his team. He knows who can be relied on and who are not. Everyone has their own forte. Prophet is not reluctant to ask for the help of his companion to support of this mission. Begging the help, it does not mean the sign of weakness, otherwise, prophet knows by asking the helps he highly appreciated and acknowledged of his companions’ dexterity. The mission will be working out as everyone has been able to work toward their assigned job properly to make a big mission goal achieved.

A strength based leadership has lessen the possibility of macromanaging. In fact, macro managing will attack others personality and their value. If you trust one of your team, please do not teach them how to run their business. A trust increases performance, and they will do more than expected. If you can not lead one project, acknowledge it, and you will be replaced by others. However, If you value yourself with capability to lead, please acknowledge as well. In some cases, companions of prophet realized of their weakness in leading. Prophet does not force them to be in charge to certain mission, he replaced with more competent leaders.


There is something we can relate here regarding the Prophet’s leadership. Our prophet Muhammad had taught a bunch of type of leaderships through the journey of his life. Not only as Devine messenger, his life is replete with wisdom and knowledge for our life either for personal or work life. I have been reading different types of leadership books and all types of leadership what modern people have discussed about is encapsulated in Prophet Muhammad leadership. If you are looking a reference of leadership book and certain individual, I would be suggesting Prophet Muhammad bibliography.



Iqbal Muhammad

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